Day 1 of Seeds

Today is the first day of my attempt to grow seeds indoors.
I have chosen a Snapdragon mix and a Impatiens mix, all from Burpee.  

I bought the Eco Friendly Ultimate Growing System from Burpee and it comes with everything I need!  It had all of the growing pellets, which you just add water to and they expand, a bottomless water tray which you add water to every so often so you don't have to worry about watering your seeds regularly, and the seed tray.  The seeds are so tiny, I just pinched a few and put them in each tray.  I then covered them with the plastic germination sheet that was included.  Once they start to poke up out of the soil, I will remove the sheet and turn on the light.

I've purchased a 4 lamp fixture and hung it over the table.  It is on chain so I can move it up and down as the seeds grow.  I also have it on a timer.  I will leave it on for 16 hours a day and have it off over night.  I will talk about this more once my seeds get to this point. 

I will post again tomorrow with new photos!


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