Day 9 - Impatiens are Sprouting!

My impatiens have officially began to sprout!  If you look closely you can see a few green sprouts in the photo.  I'm still keeping the germination sheet on this part of the flat, once majority start to sprout, I will remove it.

My snapdragons are doing really well, they're growing like a weed! :-)

I bought some things for myself tonight also!

I have an area behind my fence where we can't mow, we'd have to take the mower all the way around the block to get it back there.  My house backs up to a cornfield, so I have no neighbors.  My thoughts are, why not make it a wildflower garden!  I won't have to care for it much and it'll look pretty and attract pollinators!  There is a nursery in Georgia I like to buy plants from, Thyme After Thyme.  Their plants always come very fast and are very healthy and do really well.  They may be a little more expensive, but it's worth it to me to buy a quality plant.  Once I get my wildflower garden seeds started, I will buy a few extra plants from them to add to it. 
I also bought another one of these!  I love how easy it is!  I got this one at Menard's instead of ordering it.  It's on sale right now for $16, so it's a great deal!  In a week or 2, I will be starting my hosta seeds and the 2nd packet of impatiens I have. 

The next time I blog, I will talk about what to do once the plants start getting to big for their cell.  Have a wonderful day!


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