Day 6 - They Have Germinated!

I can't believe it's only been 6 days, but my Snapdragons have already germinated!!!

Look how cute they are!

My impatiens still have not done anything, but hopefully soon!

Now, only a couple of seeds have germinated, so I will wait a couple of days to remove the sheet.

Once they have all germinated, I will remove the sheet and keep them under the light 16 hours a day.  The soil needs to stay moist, so I suggest filling the tray with shallow lukewarm water.  If you have a tray like mine, just check the water every couple of days to make sure it's full enough. 

If your seedlings start to stretch or bend, they are probably too crowded or getting too little light.

Tomorrow I am taking a seed starting class at the local community college.  I will share all of my knowledge with you afterward! 


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