Whole 30 Day 3

Today started as they have the last two days.  I got up and had the scrambled eggs with sausage.  Today I drank apple cider with my breakfast, I really wanted something other than water.  I, of course, stopped at Eli's to get my coffee on my way to work.

About 9:15 today I realized I wasn't really hungry like I was yesterday.  I felt a little bit of hunger, so I went ahead and ate a blueberry LaraBar close to 10 so I wouldn't be starving by lunch.

For lunch, I had my leftover curry chicken, asparagus, and some unsweetened applesauce I picked up at Fresh Market.  I love applesauce, so it's good that I can have it, but its going to be difficult getting used to unsweetened.

The chicken tasted better today, probably because I was angry when I ate it yesterday.  I was upset, though, because I left my store bought kombucha at home.

About 3:15, I started to get a little hungry again, so I had some sweet potato chips I also got from Fresh Market.  They are cooked just with sunflower oil and nothing else is added.  They were a good little snack to tie me over.

I didn't work out tonight, I had some errands to run after work and chores to do at home.  About 5:30 I started dinner.  Tonight we had Orange-Ginger Glazed Halibut and Kale and Swiss Chard Salad with Roasted Butternut squash.  Everything was delicious.

The halibut was pretty citrusy, but the glaze had the juice of 2 lemons and 1 orange, plus ground ginger.

The halibut itself just had salt and pepper and I cooked in at 400 for about 12 minutes and then poured the glaze on it when it came out of the oven.

For the salad, while I roasted 2 cups of butternut squash, I steamed the kale and swiss chard.  I then made an coconut oil mixture with garlic and sliced almonds.  I mixed everything together and it was amazing.  I will be taking the leftovers in my lunch tomorrow.

Overall, today went a lot better today than yesterday.  My food was good and I felt pretty good most of the day besides being slightly hungry once in awhile.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to feel like I want to "kill all the things", so watch out...


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