Day 36 - Transplanting in Larger Pots

Today I transplanted the impatiens and snapdragons so they were each in an individual container.  I put them in peat pots so I can later plant them directly in the ground.  I bought some Miracle-Gro Potting Mix and filled each cell about 1/3 with that.  I then carefully dug each plant out with a plastic spoon.  Make sure you pick it up by the leaves, not their delicate stems. 
I placed them in the cell and carefully added more soil around them.  I then put them back in the self-watering tray and watered each one.

I'm thinking another couple of weeks inside and they should be ready to be hardened off outside.

This impatien plant looks like it could be getting some flower buds.  It's probably just more leaves, but it would be pretty cool if they flowered!

Lots of leaves on the impatiens
This is my second flat of impatiens.  They're doing pretty well.  The hostas haven't done anything yet though, I'm not sure if the seeds were even any good since they were given to me.


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