Day 14

The seedling are still doing great.  It's been 2 weeks since I've started them and I can't get over how much they have grown, since this is my first time.  It's always rewarding to go down each morning to check on them and see they've grown more since I saw them the day before. 

The impatiens seem to be growing taller, but the snapdragons are growing faster.

This was the fertilizer I got.  I got on Burpee's website to see what all they had to offer, and there are many different varieties, so you just have to see what works for you.  I got this since it's just the basic kind.  I just sprinkled a little on each plant and watered it right after. 

 I wanted to share some plants I bought tonight at Lowe's!  I had the little pot holder that I bought at a little vintage shop in Peoria, IL and I had a couple of the plants already, but needed to get more.  I bought a cactus, a couple succulents, and an aloe plant tonight.
I have this sitting in my kitchen, I love it!

I also wanted to share a couple things I received an e-mail about today.  First is Free Smart Gardening Workshops and the other is Garden How-To University .  I've never done either of these before, but I thought they were interesting and wanted to share because you never stop learning!  I'm always looking for more classes I can take.  The first ones are free, the 2nd costs, but it looks like a good program and you could break it down and take just a couple sections that you're interested in.  Have fun!


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