Day 12 - Fertilizing Seedlings

The seedlings are doing really well!  The Snapdragons are growing more and more each day.  Only a few impatiens have come up, but they look great!

The are the few impatiens that are doing the best.

Here's a side view of the impatiens, I'm hoping they're growing and not stretching, I may need to lower the light some more.

I keep finding more snapdragons each day!

They're not as tall as the impatiens, but they're doing super well.

Now that most of the seedlings are coming up, I am going to start adding fertilizer, I'll probably go buy some this weekend.  To pick out fertilizer, it should be equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.  The seedling should be well-watered before adding fertilizer, other wise it could burn them.  It should then be added each week, or each watering.  The fertilizer should tell you how much water to add to it, make sure you read it thoroughly. 

I'll let you know which kind of fertilizer I decide on and how much I add each time. 

These are some of my hyacinths from last year.  I don't have any photos yet, but they're starting to come up already this year.  Hopefully the cold stays away so it doesn't hurt them!


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