The seeds are growing each day! I added fertilizer for the 2nd time about 2 days ago.
Snapdragons | |
Impatiens |
Other than that, I don't really have much to talk about. I figured though, since it's spring and everything is blooming, I would take you on a little tour of my yard!
Flowering Almond - Prunus glandulosea 'Rosea Plenal' |
This is my Flowering Almond bush, I actually have 2, but this one was given to me from my mom for my birthday last year. My other one is only about 6" tall.
Clematis |
This is my Clematis. Unfortunately, I didn't save the card on it and I don't even know what kind it is. This is my first year with this, so I don't even remember what color it is. I had a moonflower vine on this before and it completely took over. I decided to go with something a little more tamer this year.
Old-Fashioned Bleeding Heart - Dicentra spectabilis |
This is my bleeding heart. My boyfriend gave this to me because I had a white one and it didn't make it. I came home one day and this was in place of it! He's so good to me :-)
Peony Tree |
This is my Peony Tree, they get about 4' tall. We actually purchased this after it had bloomed, no tag, nothing. We had no idea what it was going to look like in bloom and it is beautiful! I can't wait for it to bloom this year to post pictures, I just wish I knew what kind it was!
Lupine |
I love Lupine! They are so cool and interesting! I got a mixture of colors and put them along my front walk.
Pink Cascade Weeping Peach - Prunus Persica |
This is my Weeping Peach tree. It is not actually a peach tree, it's just the name. This gets about 12 - 15' tall and has these gorgeous flowers. I got this from
Michigan Bulb.
Tulips |
Some awesome tulips, but again I don't know what kind they are.
Endless Summer Hydrangea - Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer' |
My Endless Summer Hydrangea. These have new sprouts on new and old stems, so you don't need to worry if you should trim or not. Some Hydrangeas, you can't trim because they only grow on old stems. I also have a Let's Dance Starlight -
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lynn'.
This is the area behind my fence where I will be planting my wild flowers. It butts up to a cornfield and the only way to get a mower back there is to walk all around the block, so it only makes sense to plant low maintenance plants.
These are some more seeds I bought to plant behind the fence. I got these at
American Meadows.
My awesome weathervane I got at this little eclectic store in Peoria with my Hellebores planted around it.
My crabapple with my hyacinths and other bulbs planted around it.
A view of my whole back yard. When I bought the house, this was all just grass. The old owners had done nothing to the backyard, which was kind of nice because it was a clean slate.
As you can see, you should try to keep all of the cards that come with plants so you know what you have and how to take care of it. I have a binder I got from
Garden Scribe. It is so easy to use and keeps everything really organized.
I had to post this last photo! My cats love spring also because of all the birds and squirrels that come out. Keeps them entertained all day long!
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